CS/ECE 438 : Fall 2024 : M/W 3:30pm : Room 1320 DCL

First day information

Information about midterm

Information about final

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📅  Course Calendar (subject to change)

Date Module Instructor Topics Notes Video HW MP Additional readings
Aug 26
Mon Overview S+Y Course logistics and overview
****- The whats and whys of computer networking CS/ECE438-Lec1-Overview.pdf Lecture Recording - Video: How does the Internet work
Aug 28
Wed S Internet design goals

Socket Programming.pdf | Recording Miss(Hardware Failure)

Socket Programming | | 🟢 MP1 released (Socket Prog.) | - Tussle in the Internet | | Sep 9 Mon | | S | Internet architectural principles

Post-lecture Notes

Class activity | Lecture Recording | | | | | Sep 16 Mon | | Y | More Foundations:

Post-lecture Notes | Lecture Recording | | | | | Sep 18 Wed | Applications | Y | Application layer: Introduction and basics

Post-Lecture Slides | Lecture Recording | | 🔴 MP1 due (Socket Prog.)

| | | Sep 23 Mon | | Y | Web Protocols

Post-lecture Notes

DNS Notes | Lecture Recording

DNS part | 🔴 HW 1 due | 🟢 MP2 release (TCP) | - CHORD paper | | Sep 25 Wed | Transport | S | Transport Layer: Introduction

Reliable Transport.pdf

Go-back-N+Selective-ACKs.pdf | Lecture Recording | | | | | Oct 2 Wed | | S | Introduction to TCP | CS/ECE438-Lec11-TCP.pdf | Lecture Recording | | | | | Oct 7 Mon | | S | More TCP ****- Flow control, Congestion Control | Lec12-AdvancedTCP.pdf | Lecture Recording | 🔴 HW2 due | | | | Oct 9 Wed | | S | TCP: Continued

Post-lecture Notes | Lecture Recording | | | | | Oct 16 Wed | | Y | Routers and IP

Post-lecture Notes | Lecture Recording | | | | | Oct 21 Mon | | Y | Network layer continued ****- Subnet and Classless addressing

Post-lecture Notes | Lecture Recording | | | | | Oct 23 Wed | | Y | Routing algorithms ****- Centralized and distributed routing algorithms

Midterm review | Pre-lecture Notes

Post-lecture Notes | Lecture Recording | 🔴 HW3 due | 🔴 MP2 due (TCP) | | | Oct 28 Mon | | | MIDTERM | | | | | | | Oct 30 Wed | | Y | Routing algorithms (cont.)

Post-lecture Notes | Lecture Recording | | | | | Nov 4 Mon | Link | Y | Internet routing protocols

Post-lecture Notes | Lecture Recording | 🟢 HW4 release | 🟢 MP3 release (Routing) | | | Nov 6 Wed | | S | Medium access control (MAC) #1

Post-lecture Notes | Lecture Recording | | | | | Dec 4 Wed | Security | Y | Security layer: Foundations

Post-lecture Notes | Lecture Recording | 🔴 HW4 due | | | | Dec 6 Fri | | | | | | | 🔴 MP4 due | | | Dec 9 Mon | | Y | Security techniques

Post-lecture Notes | Lecture Recording | | | | | Dec 11 Wed | | S+Y | Recap & QnA | Post-lecture Notes | Lecture Recording | | | | | Dec 16 Mon | | | FINAL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |






